Quick & Easy Acts Of Kindness That Make Impact

Beverly Adams
3 min readFeb 12, 2021


It’s important for everyone to realize that there are easy ways to make impact on others and evoke positive change, beyond giving money. There is a common misconception that all philanthropists must be wealthy before they can make impact because their financial wellbeing allows them to provide monetary gifts. However, anyone can become a difference maker by simply putting their time and energy into bettering the lives of others.

Every single interaction you have with another living, breathing being has the power to effect positive change in their lives and your community as a whole. Check out these simple but powerful acts of kindness I follow on a daily basis that anyone can perform every day of the week, 24/7/365, to make a big difference for those around us.

  1. Give Out Compliments Like They’re Going Out of Style
    Everyone loves receiving appropriate compliments. Gifting someone with a compliment can be a really easy way to positively make impact on people that you interact with daily, from neighbors and coworkers to people you encounter at the grocery store. Plus, friendly interactions like compliments don’t cost a penny and make both the giver and receiver feel better about themselves and the world around them.
  2. Don’t Take for Granted the Power of a ‘THANK YOU’
    I think that sometimes we forget the meaning of the phrase ‘thank you’ because it’s one of those phrases that we use so often. But, it’s one of the most important ways that we show appreciation for those around us. It can be easy to forget to say it, especially during busy times, but a genuine ‘thank you’ is a seemingly small yet powerful gesture you can utilize to make impact throughout the day.
  3. Write a 5-Star Review for a 5-Star Experience
    We all have our favorite stores that we shop at on a regular basis, but have you ever written a review to support these businesses and their team members? This is a really easy and effective way to help out some of your favorite local stores or restaurants and influence visible positive change. Start by searching your favorite businesses on Google or Yelp and write a review that will make someone’s day.
  4. Don’t Get Caught Up in the “Everybody for Themselves” Mentality
    In a world often focused on individualism rather than collectivism, sometimes we can feel like we must care about and protect only our best interests. It is critical that we all erase this mentality. For example, considering allowing someone to go in front of you in the line at the grocery store. This is a simple gesture that means a lot, and chances are high that you won’t lose much time out of your own day. And, by doing so, you may help someone who may be in a hurry to catch up on lost time.
  5. Handwritten Letters are POWERFUL
    When was the last time you wrote a letter to your friend, family member, neighbor or even a stranger? This old-school form of communication inherently carries more meaning than electronic communication for most people because of the time and effort it takes to physically write and mail a letter. It doesn’t have to be a long letter — in fact, I recommend focusing on quality (rather than quantity) in order to really make impact.
  6. Don’t Forget to Gift Kindness to Yourself
    Before we can make impact on others, we must first practice self-care to ensure that we are all being kind to ourselves, too. As we’ve all heard at some point, we are often our own harshest critics, and we forget that we are both deserving and in need of kindness as well. Start gifting kindness to yourself every day by writing down at least one unique thing about yourself that makes you thankful to be you.

When we make impact on others, science proves that the giver also experiences a natural high due to increased activity in the brain’s mesolimbic pathway. That makes everyday philanthropy a win-win situation in my book!

I challenge you to pledge to perform at least one easy act of kindness every day for a neighbor, friend, family member or someone you’ve never even met before. I can’t wait to hear about all the good each of you are doing in your communities and beyond!



Beverly Adams
Beverly Adams

Written by Beverly Adams

Beverly Adams is a powerhouse, humanitarian, thought leader and visionary inspiring people to know the profound power of making impact on someone else’s life.

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